Tuesday 2 April 2013


 One of the teachings of the prophets is that man's existence does not cease with death. Death is only the end of the period of man's struggle and endeavour. During this period he has to find out for himself with his own judgement the right path from the wrong and decide upon his course. He finds his conditions during this period in a state of flux and seeks to preserve it, if good, and to alter it for the better, if bad. With the advent of death, change gives way to eternity. From then onwards his state is unalterable; it will be what he has made of it in his period of evaluation and endeavour and the afterlife is where he achieves the fruit of his struggle during the previous period. This is Islamic teaching about life and death and the hereafter. 

Quran says :-

"On that day  men shall be scattered and see their works, and who has done an atom weight of good shall see it, and who has dane an atom weight of evil shall see it."

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