Wednesday 10 April 2013



Pakistan is the country blessed by all types of seasons. The people of this country enjoy all the seasons along with the different natural gifts like snowfall, different kinds of vegetables and fruits, rain, leave fall and many other things. There are four seasons usually come in Pakistan which is spring, autumn, summer and winter. Spring is the season normally come in the month of April and ends in May. In this season the new flowers and buds grow. A large variety of flowers is seen everyone. The weather is seen everyone. The weather is normally not so hot or cold. As spring usually come after the winter and before the summer season.

A large number of fruits and vegetables are available in this season to enjoy. After spring summer season starts and it prolong for 4 to 5 months. It is started from June and ends in September. In this season sun shines to its maximum. Sometimes the days become so hot that it becomes very difficult to survive . For this people use air conditioners and coolers to keep themselves fine. Due to enough hotness, it starts raining. Specific types of fruits and vegetables are introduced by the summer season like mango, apricot, pineapple, guava etc. after summer, winter season starts in this season the day and night become so cold that people start using heaters and warm clothes to keep themselves warm all the time.

The special fruits come along in this season which is orange. It is the source of vitamin L. at the end of winter season, the leaves on the trees start falling and the formation of the new buds and leaves starts. This season is called autumn. In this season the floors of grounds covered with the fallen leaves. So every one has its own importance along with its blessings. They all are necessary for the human beings and in this matter the people of Pakistan and fortunate to enjoy all the seasons in a year.

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