Saturday 23 March 2013


No doubt,  Dowry is a gift given by parents to their lovely daughter on her marriage. But now it turns as a system in our society.The dowry system which is so deeply rooted, even sometimes people feels that there is no way out of this.This custom is not only practise in Pakistan but even in all over Asia.

Dowry is not only concerned to ill-literate community but even modern & well educated families are involve in it, so, what to expect from uneducated or backward people.
Many people believe that giving & receiving of dowry reflects status & even its an effort to climb Up in social hierarchy.

if i take a look on  history then  dowry was a way of providing a woman with a portion of her families wealth, or a part from her inheritance. Somehow dowry is believe to be best way to protect a women from suffering abuse or ill-treatment by in-laws.

As every girl consider her self a Fairytale & a fairy tale's wedding is every girls dream, the day when everything should be Just Perfect.! Do your dreams need a dowry from shoes to a hundred dress? cutlery to a cookery set ? luxuries?  the furniture with well furnished decorated home & a wide variety of jewellery?
The most lovely & fairytale daughter in the whole universe is Bibi Fatima (s.a), What our Holy Prophet(pbuh) gave to Her only daughter???    Just Necessities...!

I know most of  you are thinking that dowry is our culture, tradition, status symbol ,etc But actually its a plane SOCIAL BLACKMAIL.

     A/c to me, " the best dowry that parents can give to their daughter is a better education with best ethics & good character."

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